Friday, November 7, 2014

Whole30- Day 31!!!

I successfully completed the Whole30 challenge! I am so excited I made it 30 days!

I went 30 days without eating sugars, sweeteners, alcohol, grains, legumes, dairy or any preservatives. 30 days ago, I was unsure if I could really go without these things for an entire 30 days. Before I began I thought I would just cut out some of the things, but the more I read about Whole30 I knew that you needed to be very strict in order to experience any changes at all. So,  I decided to dive in head first and do exactly as it was supposed to go. 

Now that the 30 days is over I look back and think that I chose a busy month to try my very first Whole30. I went to fall festivals, ballgames with tempting concession stand food, the pumpkin patch, and Halloween parties with plenty of sweets!! I know now that I can do this at any time if I was able to stay strong through all the temptation that has been in front of me. 

What Changed? 

So I knew that there would be physical affects after completing the challenge, but what I didn't know were the psychological changes that would occur. I feel like a different person than I did just 30 days ago! Crazy to think that the foods we eat (or don't eat) can have such an affect on your mind and body. 
The number ONE thing that I have noticed is how well I sleep!! I can't get over how much your diet can affect your sleep! I now fall asleep easily, sleep through the night and wake up feeling refreshed!! There are so many other small things that I have experienced I am sure I will forget to list them all. These are just a few that stand out in my mind: 
1. Clearer skin
2. NO more reflux!! 
3. So much more energy 
4. I no longer crave sugar 
5. I can live without cheese!! : ) 
6. Just all around in a better mood 


I know so many people do this for weight loss and that was not the case for me, I  was so tired of putting so much crap into my body and wanted to see if eating better foods would really make a difference in the way I felt. However, I did lose a little weight. My total weight loss for the Whole30 was 7 pounds. And that was with very little working out. I feel like my body looks the same from the minute I wake up in the morning until the time I go to bed at night (which is not how it used to be) I haven't once felt bloated during the last 30 days!! 

I can't believe I am posting these, but they are true un-photoshopped pictures. The first was taken the morning before I started the challenge and the second is the morning after I finished the Whole30. 
These photos are proof that the saying is true "Abs are made in the kitchen." I knew my abs were under there I just couldn't stay away from the junk food to reveal them!! I know there are many people that would not prefer to look so muscular, but for me I love it. So these photos are my motivation when I fall off the wagon again. 


Over the course of the last 30 days people would ask me "So what will you do when your 30 days is over?" Well- I don't plan on stopping what I'm doing. I will however not be quite as strict. I have no intentions of going through a drive through and ordering a hamburger and greasy fries (and I can guarantee it would make me sick if I did). I plan to slowly incorporate some things back into my diet such as natural sweeteners like honey, vanilla extract, etc. (which were all off limits during the Whole30). I have missed an occasional glass of wine, cheese on a salad, and a piece of bread with dinner every now and then. But,  I have discovered so many foods that I never even thought about eating before and I have loved them!! These are things that I see myself cooking from now on. 

This was a lifestyle change for me not just a 30 day challenge. I will definitely have some of those foods I missed on occasion. But, I will continue to live the Whole30 lifestyle for the most part. I don't see why I would stop now with so many positive changes that I have noticed. I am eating great food, loving the changes in my body, and feeling wonderful! Why stop now?


  1. You look great! I just finished 21 days without sweets or dairy and it was hard! I never realized how much I love sweets :(

  2. Thank you Hannah!! It was definitely a challenge to go without sweets for so long!! I have a major sweet tooth!! : )

  3. There is no way your abs look like that from "very little working out"

    1. Everyone is born with abs. However, some have more than others whether it's from going to the gym once or twice or every day. As for me, during this 30 day period I only went to the gym a total of 5 times (and those were actually Pure Barre classes) prior to the Whole30 challenge- I worked out an average of 3-4 times a week with weights and some cardio. With this being said going from being an avid athlete to doing pretty much nothing at all to my body in the form of workouts for over 2 months my body was in need of a change and that's what brought me to the decision to try Whole30. I can honestly say that just by eating clean alone,eliminating dairy,sugar, wheat, etc. WILL AND DOES make a HUGE impact on the way your body will look.

    2. To the random person, if you look at her first pics you can clearly see she had nice abs so eating clean made them more visible.

  4. You look amazing and Random is a hater! If you lose the water weight, your muscles will look cut. I have read Whole 30 helps to lose the bloat and it certainly did for you! GREAT WORK!

    1. Thank you so much, Mistie Dickenson!! Doing away with the processed foods with so many additives will definitely help cut out the bloat!!

  5. Yay you! I did a Whole30 in August (my one and only ) and felt SO good. Did you do their daily emails? They were extremely helpful and encouraging.

    You make me want to do another! Perhaps after Thanksgiving... ; )

    1. Margaret, I didn't do the daily emails. I probably should have and will when I do another!! : )

  6. Wow, you look great! How do you feel now that the holidays are over?

    1. Thank you!! I am currently on my 2nd Whole30...I most definitely enjoyed the holidays a little too much ; ) However, I am on day 10 and it seems sooo much easier this time around. I think a lot of it is knowing how well my body responded the last round and I am looking forward to even better results. I added a little more working out this time around.

  7. I am on day 9 of my whole 30, and your blog is very encouraging to me. I was really worried that this would be difficult, however I don't really miss this things I thought I would. thank you for sharing your story.
