Sunday, November 16, 2014

Family Pictures

It's that time of year again where we are deciding what to wear for family pictures and picking out the perfect Christmas card to send to friends and family. I am pretty certain that the 3 boys I live with dread this so much every year. However, I am certain that they love looking back at pictures from the past years just as much as I do!

I contacted several different photographers to get pricing on photo sessions and scanned through their availability. After much deliberation I decided to let a friend use my fancy camera (that never gets used) and see what kind of pictures she could get. We have so much going on this year that I just couldn't fathom spending $200 on a photo session that included ONE actual print or download! I have paid so much for pictures in the past and sometimes it has been worth it and sometimes it has been a complete waste.

We picked the coldest day of the year to take pictures!! It was so windy and cold and the sun was setting quickly! However, I think we got a couple of good pictures and that was worth it to me!! Here are a few outtakes from our day (more like 20 minutes)  at the Botanical Gardens. And of course I am saving the best ones for our Christmas cards! 

This is how most pictures turned out! What you can expect with the 3 guys?!?! 
Walker could have gotten the marker off his hand first 
How did I get so lucky?!? 

A little blurry
Trying to recreate a photo I saw on Pinterest! Ha-it didn't go as planned! (As with many of my Pinterest ideas) 
This was my favorite picture of all the ones that were taken.