December 30th we celebrated Carson's 7th birthday. It is hard for me to believe that my "baby" is already 7 (I guess I can't really call him a baby anymore).
When you woke up this morning you came downstairs to 7 balloons for 7 years and breakfast of your favorite donuts. You were so excited to finally be 7!!
I absolutely love getting to be your Mama. You are the sweetest and most loving little boy. You are a ball of energy and always keep us laughing. You hardly ever want to sit still and I'm sure that causes problems at school, but it's no different at home. You still don't sit through dinner without getting up at least once. Every night you ask to be carried upstairs for bed and every morning you want to to be carried back down. Even though, you are getting bigger I don't mind carrying you because I know these days will be gone far too soon.
You LOVE sports of any kind, but especially football!! You love to watch football, play football with friends and even play football on the Xbox with your daddy! On the night of your birthday you chose where to eat dinner based on a place that had a T.V., so that you would't miss out of the UGA bowl game.
Birthday lunch at LaParilla |
Having dinner at Sakura |
There aren't enough words for to express just how much your Daddy and I love you! I will continue to love you for as long as I live, and in my eyes you will always be my baby!! Happy Happy Birthday my sweet blonde haired, blue eyed baby!!